to Serve


SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural. At Moseley CE Priamry we have a wide range of opportunities across our curriculum to actively promote these aspects of school life, and in doing so, help to develop our pupils into well-rounded individuals prepared for life in modern Britain.

Spiritual Development

The spiritual development of pupils is shown by their:

  • ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
  • sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
  • use of imagination and creativity in their learning
  • willingness to reflect on their experiences

How do we support children's Spiritual Development through our curriculum?

  • Daily act of Collective Worship
  • Class Collective Worship including Class Collective Worship Journals
  • RE Curriculum
  • Visiting leaders of Collective Worship including clergy from local churches and Birmingham City Mission
  • Church Services - Harvest, Remembrance, Advent, Christmas, Candlemas, Mothering Sunday, Easter, Pentecost
  • Ladywood Interfaith Project visits to places of worship linked to RE curriculum
  • Christian Vision and Values 
  • Restorative Approach to behaviour
  • PSHE curriculum

What is the impact?

  • There is a tangible sense of warmth, welcome and community in the daily life of the school
  • Collective Worship provides a focal point for reflection on our shared values and children engage reflectively and respectfully in acts of worship.
  • Church services are deeply respectful and spiritual and embody a sense of community spirit.
  • Class discussion and pupil voice demonstrate children’s understanding of each other, and respect for difference.
  • Themes for learning engage the children and promote an enthusiasm for learning.
  • RE curriculum enables children to develop an understanding of different beliefs and children are able to articulate what they have learned and can make insightful comments and connections.




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Moral Development

The moral development of pupils is shown by their:

  • ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong, readily apply this understanding in their own lives and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England
  • understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
  • interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and being able to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.

How do we support children's Moral Development through our curriculum?

  • Our school rules are clear and place responsibility on individuals for the choices that they make.
  • Our values are at the heart of the daily life of the school.
  • Weekly celebration of values in Collective Worship.
  • Collective Worship provides an opportunity to link our values to the choices that we make and how we behave.
  • Restorative approaches and 4 step apology
  • Class Advocates selected and trained
  • Anti-Bullying Class Charter and Anti-Bullying Week
  • PSHE Curriculum
  • Regular opportunities to raise money for charity and to learn about the work undertaken by these charities
  • School council
  • Modeshift Stars Bronze Accreditation including active travel theme days and weeks

What is the impact?

  • Pupils have very clear values which impact on their behaviour; they have a definite sense of what is right and what is wrong.
  • Children's demonstration of their values is celebrated in weekly celebration Collective Worship and children notice others demonstrating our values and often nominate their peers for awards.
  • Pupils are able to give reasons for things being right and wrong.
  • A calm and positive atmosphere pervades.
  • Pupils look after each other and take responsibility for each other; any conflicts are resolved quickly and effectively.
  • Pupils enjoy celebrating others achievements and have opportunities to feel proud of themselves and others.
  • Pupils have time to reflect and consider their thinking.
  • Pupils are keen to raise funds to help others and articulate a sense of moral purpose to help others.
  • The vast majority of our children and their families choose to actively travel to school regularly.  Our children understand the benefits of active travel for their own health and for the health of our planet and local and global communities.


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Social Development

 The social development of pupils is shown by their:

  • use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
  • willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
  • acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.

How do we support children's Social Development through our curriculum?

  • Children are often given opportunities for collaboration across the curriculum including talk partner work and group work.
  • Age-appropriate responsibilities within classes / school 
  • Reading buddies
  • Values Ambassadors
  • Class Advocates
  • Play Leaders
  • Open Evening – Values ambassadors lead tours of the school
  • Restorative approaches 
  • After-school clubs 
  • Reception buddy project
  • Teachers capitalise on opportunities to demonstrate democracy eg voting for stories to read etc
  • School Council
  • Y6 / 5 Residential visit
  • All classes lead a Church service for whole school and parents/carers from their class
  • Health and well-being week - including visitors
  • Science week
  • Interfaith project visits to a number of places of worship
  • Charity events and links to charitable organisations eg Sparkhill Foodbank, Birmingham City Mission, Comic Relief, Young Artists for Ukraine, Children in Need, Jeans for Genes, St Mary's Hospice, Birmingham City Mission Toy Link
  • PTA events including disco, Christmas Fair, Challenge 22

What is the impact?

  • Pupils are able to work co-operatively.
  • Pupils are able to socialise with a wide range of people and pupils.
  • We receive positive comments from the community when we go on trips and when we receive visitors.
  • Pupils are developing personal qualities which are valued in a civilised society.
  • Pupils build relationships and friendships.
  • Strong sense of school as a community.
  • Pupils understand the democratic process.
  • Widening of pupil horizons.
  • Pupils feel they have a say in our school and their voice is heard.
  • Pupils readily exercise responsibility.




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Cultural Development

 The cultural development of pupils is shown by their:

  • understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
  • understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
  • knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain
  • willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities
  • interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity, and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.

How do we support children's Cultural Development through our curriculum?

  • RE Curriculum
  • Church Services - Harvest, Remembrance, Advent, Christmas, Candlemas, Mothering Sunday, Easter, Pentecost
  • Ladywood Interfaith Project visits to places of worship linked to RE curriculum
  • Curriculum themes
  • PE – including dance themes
  • Theme days - including celebrations such as Chinese New Year
  • Music curriculum - children learn songs and perform by singing and playing glockenspiels
  • Individual music lessons with Birmingham Music Service
  • Weekly hymn practice led by choir master from local church
  • BCFC coach / Moseley Rugby Club /  Billesley Tennis Club / KICK Dance coaches deliver PE lessons
  • Sports teams
  • Sports Day
  • Art curriculum - focus artists identified for each unit to provide inspiration
  • Creative arts week
  • Poetry week

What is the impact?

  • Children are able to artculate knowledge of different cultural backgrounds
  • Pupils have an understanding of a world outside their own.
  • Pupils feel they have opportunities to showcase their diverse talents and feel valued for this.
  • Pupils are enthusiastic to take part in the wide- ranging activities – take-up is high.
  • They experience opportunities for awe and wonder in the curriculum.


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Our Values


Our Values

We are guided and strengthened by our distinctively Christian values of Hope, Courage, Love, Thankfulness, Trust and Forgiveness. These values were chosen by our school community by reflecting deeply on the meaning of 6 key stories from the Bible. These values are nurtured and lived by all in our school community as we continue to learn and grow together.

Stay Connected

Moseley Church of England Primary School
Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EH

Who We Are

Headteacher | Ms K Young
SENDCO | Mrs G Amion (sendco@moseleyce.bham.sch.uk)