to Serve



We aim to develop the children’s ability to produce well structured, detailed writing in which the meaning is made clear and which engages the interest of the reader. Attention is paid throughout the school to the formal structures of English, grammatical detail, punctuation and spelling. Our approach to teaching writing covers the ‘transcription’ and ‘composition’ requirements of The National Curriculum.  Evidence of writing opportunities and progress is evident in English books and other curriculum books.

We recognise the important role that ICT has to play in our school in the development of English skills. There are also many opportunities for children to improve their writing inspired by drama techniques and film clips.  Children's witing is sometimes inspired using visual literacy stimuli including the use of Literacy Shed materials.  Interactive technology is used regularly to enhance the teaching of English.


At Moseley CofE Primary School we set consistently high expectations for all children, in all subjects, across our curriculum.  We believe that neat, well-formed handwriting and presentation of written work helps to raise and maintain high standards. We encourage all children to be responsible for producing high quality work in all lessons; showing pride and having a sense of ownership over their own learning.  Children will be taught that different styles of presentation are appropriate for different pieces of work and different circumstances. However, we will encourage all children to present their work in a neat and organised manner in all lessons.   





We use ‘Letter-join’ as the basis of our handwriting policy which covers all of the handwriting requirements of the 2014 National Curriculum. By the end of Key Stage 2 all pupils should have the ability to produce fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy joined-up handwriting, and to understand the different forms of handwriting used for different purposes.  We aim to make handwriting an automatic process that does not interfere with children’s creative thinking or learning.  

sitting position.PNG

pencil grip.PNG


Letter-Join Cursive Lower Case Letters

Letter-Join Cursive Capital Letters

letter join lower case.png

letter join capital.png




Year 5 Poetry Workshop

Thank you everone for attending the poetry worskhop for Year 5. Please find the PowerPoint and resources from Year 5's poetry workshop in the files secion of this page. Please find below the link to a feedback form. It would be greatly appriciated if you could complete this. 





Files to Download

Our Values


Our Values

We are guided and strengthened by our distinctively Christian values of Hope, Courage, Love, Thankfulness, Trust and Forgiveness. These values were chosen by our school community by reflecting deeply on the meaning of 6 key stories from the Bible. These values are nurtured and lived by all in our school community as we continue to learn and grow together.

Stay Connected

Moseley Church of England Primary School
Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EH

Who We Are

Headteacher | Ms K Young
SENDCO | Mrs G Amion (sendco@moseleyce.bham.sch.uk)