We aim to develop the children’s ability to produce well structured, detailed writing in which the meaning is made clear and which engages the interest of the reader. Attention is paid throughout the school to the formal structures of English, grammatical detail, punctuation and spelling. Our approach to teaching writing covers the ‘transcription’ and ‘composition’ requirements of The National Curriculum. Evidence of writing opportunities and progress is evident in English books and other curriculum books.
We recognise the important role that technology has to play in our school in the development of English skills. There are also many opportunities for children to improve their writing inspired by drama techniques and film clips. Children's witing is sometimes inspired using visual literacy stimuli including the use of Literacy Shed materials. Interactive technology is used regularly to enhance the teaching of English.
Intent – for all our children to communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions, with confidence, through their writing. To ensure children have as many opportunities as possible to write enthusiastically and for a wide range of purposes, while developing their confidence and understanding.
Scheme of work |
Why have we chosen Plazoom for our Writing Scheme?
· The scheme is a complete writing curriculum - it puts the highest quality model texts, written by published authors, at the heart of our literacy teaching - every text includes specific vocabulary, grammatical forms and structures, and rhetorical devices - as well as directions around genre and format.
· Each 2-week topic follows a similar structure (cognitive load)– the familiarity of this increases their confidence with writing and builds up their stamina for writing extended pieces each half term.
· It teaches grammar and punctuation, in context, with creative and powerful model texts, all annotated with key teaching points
· It builds stronger vocabularies - important tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary has been included with every model text, helping to deepen children's comprehension of words throughout the year and so gain a wider vocabulary to include in their writing.
It draws on fully resourced grammar and composition lesson plans for each unit that guide children towards an extended independent writing outcome – there are links to other subject areas as well if possible – to increase enthusiasm and motivation and give writing a real purpose |
Delivery |
· English is taught every day, in all classes from Y1 to Y6, for an hour each day
· Each unit is taught over a 2-week period. All classes study 3 genres each half term including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
· Every topic starts with a WAGOLL example, from a published author
· The lessons progress, following a detailed scheme of work*; this includes learning about the genre and its specific criteria, annotating the WAGOLL, introducing Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary and understanding the meaning of specific words in context, learning a range of SPaG, linked to the genre and completing modelled, guided and shared writing activities. This is followed with detailed planning, drafting and editing of their independent writing.
· Worksheets are not used unless necessary, high expectations of every child means they are encouraged to show their learning through carefully planned activities and tasks.
· There is a ‘writer’s checklist’ for each unit, to support pupils in building a solid foundation of knowledge for each genre and topic- these are shared with children at the start of each unit.
· Bloom’s Taxonomy is used to ensure all children are challenged through higher level thinking skills
Differentiation is flexible - children are encouraged to choose their own level of challenge and interventions are put in place for children needing an extra level of support after QFT. |
Assessment |
· At the end of each 2-week unit of work, children complete an independent writing task, which is assessed against the NC writing objectives for each year group.
· An assessment is given - Below, Emerging, Expected or Exceeding for each piece of writing.
· Following the assessment, teachers then use QFT and interventions to provide support and encouragement for children needing extra support
Assessment for learning takes place in each lesson, enabling teachers to have high subject-specific expectations of all children |
Learning environment |
· Key vocabulary is displayed in the classroom, along with the linked definitions and examples of shared and modelled writing
Children’s work is celebrated through peer discussion, class praise, displays in class and around school and weekly certificates for ‘Writer of the Week’ given in assembly and in the newsletter. |
Enrichment |
· Children are encouraged to take part in story writing competitions when available, these are promoted in the weekly newsletter
· Whole school celebration of ‘World Book Day’ and National Poetry Day (annually)
· Children will experience an author-led workshop at least once per Key Stage
During our focused ‘careers week’ children will learn about jobs linked to English writing |

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