to Serve



At Moseley Church of England Primary School we are proud of our ambitious Computing curriculum.

Technology is a rapidly changing and developing part of our lives.  We believe it is essential to ensure all of our children are equipped with the knowledge and skills to become digitally literate, develop their computational thinking skills, approach technology positively and creatively and develop e-safety awareness.  Technology forms part of our everyday school life and is integral to lessons across all subject areas, as adults we also aim to use this powerful tool to provide children with the best possible learning opportunities.  Children use technology in every year group to enhance their learning and we make best use of technology to support children with SEND needs, helping them to overcome barriers to learning and to fulfill their potential in every area of school life. 

Computing lessons are taught weekly and we use the Kapow Scheme of Work which aims to instill a sense of enjoyment around using technology and to develop our children's appreciation of it's capabilities and the opportunities technology offers to create, manage, organise and collaborate. Children are encouraged to be curious and to apply their skills and knowledge, 'tinkering' with software and programmes forms part of the ethos of our curriculum which develops children's confidence when encountering new technology. 

The school's approach ensures that all year groups meet all aspects of the computing curriculum set out in the National Curriculum document

We aim for all our children to be digitally competent and have a range of transferable skills at a suitable level for the future workplace, but also to be responsible online citizens. 

Scheme of work 

Why have we chosen Kapow Computing? 

  • The scheme breaks down the National curriculum guidance of Digital Literacy, Information Technology and computer Science into 5 distinct stands. These are: Computer systems and networks, Programming, Creating Media, Data Handling and Online Safety as shown in the diagram below.  
  • The scheme fulfils the statutory requirements for computing outlined in the National curriculum (2014) and also covers the government’s Education for a Connected World -2020 edition framework -Education for a Connected World framework mapping  
  • As children progress through the Kapow scheme, they will understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms, and data representation.  
  • Children will able to evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.  
  • Children will become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.  


  • Computing will be taught every half term and is delivered weekly (1hour/week). 
  • Every lesson will focus on one of the 5 areas: Computer systems and networks, Programming, Creating Media, Data Handling or Online Safety.  
  • Work is done on laptops using children own individual login.  
  • Knowledge organisers for each unit will support pupils in building their knowledge and confidence in Computing, including looking at key vocabulary. These will be shared with parents at the start of each unit.  
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy is used to unsure all children are challenged through higher level thinking skills.  
  • Differentiation is flexible and not aligned to core subjects. Children are encouraged to choose their own challenge.  


  • There are four units entitled Skills showcase. These units give children the chance to combine and apply skills and knowledge gained, from a range of the five key areas above, to produce a specific outcome.  
  • Assessment for learning will take place in each lesson, enabling teachers to have high subject-specific expectations of all children.  

Learning environment  

  • Key vocab displayed in class.  
  • E-safety posters displayed in class.  


  • Children across all years can become Digital Leaders to support the use of ICT across the school. 
  •  Safer Internet Week allows children to focus on online safety with a range of activities.  
  • Coding club to support children who would like to develop their coding skills beyond the classroom.  
  • Out of school competitions to showcase talent with technology.  
  • Young Coders competition and Into Film competition to provide opportunities for children to showcase their use of technology. 


Online Safety

Children across the school learn about online safety through our Computing and PSHE curriculums. We also look for opportunities to reiterate key safety messages regularly when using technology in the daily life of the school. Each year children participate in activities which promote staying safe online as part of Safer Internet Day.

We provide updated information to provide support for parents and carers to support their children to learn about how to keep safe online and to help children to know what they can do if they feel unsafe or worried. Mr Sahed (our computing lead) plans and leads a parent's E-Safety workshop. Our designated safeguarding leads (Miss Young and Mrs Perry) are able to offer individual advice to parents regarding any safeguarding concerns that they have. Parents and carers can also use the links on our safeguarding page to find out more about what children might be doing online and to seek practical advice on the steps you can take as parents to help them stay safe online. 

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Our Values


Our Values

We are guided and strengthened by our distinctively Christian values of Hope, Courage, Love, Thankfulness, Trust and Forgiveness. These values were chosen by our school community by reflecting deeply on the meaning of 6 key stories from the Bible. These values are nurtured and lived by all in our school community as we continue to learn and grow together.

Stay Connected

Moseley Church of England Primary School
Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EH

Who We Are

Headteacher | Ms K Young
SENDCO | Mrs G Amion (sendco@moseleyce.bham.sch.uk)