to Serve


At Moseley Cof E we aim to deliver a rich PE curriculum.  

  • To develop skillful use of the body, the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions and to perform them with increasing control, co-ordination and fluency (through acquiring and developing).
  • To develop an ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas.
  • To improve performance using observations and judgements on their own and others’ work.
  • To develop an understanding of the effects of exercise on the body, and an appreciation of the value of safe exercising.
  • To develop the ability to work independently, and communicate with and respond positively towards others.
  • To promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards their own and others’ safety and well-being.

We work with professional coaches from Birmingham City Football Club,  Moseley Rugby Club and KICK dance to provide high quality PE lessons for all of our pupils.  

Our Health and Well-Being week provides additional opportunities for children to learn a range of different sports and to learn about ways to keep their bodies physically and mentally well.

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Our Values


Our Values

We are guided and strengthened by our distinctively Christian values of Hope, Courage, Love, Thankfulness, Trust and Forgiveness. These values were chosen by our school community by reflecting deeply on the meaning of 6 key stories from the Bible. These values are nurtured and lived by all in our school community as we continue to learn and grow together.

Stay Connected

Moseley Church of England Primary School
Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 9EH

Who We Are

Headteacher | Ms K Young
SENDCO | Mrs G Amion (sendco@moseleyce.bham.sch.uk)